ORACLE PL/SQL - Overview

Oracle Video Tutorials

  • PL/SQL is an extension of SQL
  • It is an application development language containing procedural statements and commands along with SQL commands
  • It bridges the gap between database technology and procedural programming languages
  • It allows you to process data using flow control statements like iterative loops and conditional branching
  • Uses procedural techniques of control, looping and branching
  • Supports SQL i.e. cursor operations, exceptions, functions and transactional commands
  • Variables and constants, robust error handling and functions
  • Adds functionality to non-procedural tools such as SQL*Forms
  • Developers using SQL*Forms can enter an entire PL/SQL block using a single trigger

Structure of PL/SQL
  • Standard PL/SQL code segment is called a Block
  • A block consists of three parts or sections
  1. Declaration Part
    1. Here we an define all variables, cursors, types etc. all these must be define first before use in later sections. Variables can be define with some default values
  2. Execution Part
    1. all codes or handling will be write in this section. SQL commands can be use here but with some extra option/syntax. it is the main block to write all pl/sql codes. 
  3. Exception handling part
    1. Error handling is one of the important part of programming language and PL/SQL support it very well. this section will be use to handle error handling or exceptions occurs due to PL/SQL Codes , SQL codes or any third party such as JAVA utility codes 


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