How to Install and configure OAF (oracle application framework) with jDeveloper

Download JDeveloper

Download JDeveloper  Available Oracle patch is
       Unzip the patch in any drive/folder e.g. C:\jdev\

Define Environment Variable
Create a environment variable e.g. JDEV_USER_HOME or any name and then Specify the path of  JDeveloper 
for windows XP it can be define here:  My Computer>Properties>Advanced>Environment Variables as given below screen shot

Database Connection

Download dbc file of Oracle application instance / oracle e-business suit from $FND_TOP/secure 
 ( it is like a tnsnames.ora file having connection detail )
  Place the file at location C:\jdev\jdevhome\jdev\dbc_files\secure
Open JDeveloper and set database connection goto Connection Navigator > Database and create a new connection

Give Host Name, JDBC port, and SID. Keep driver as thin.

Now JDeveloper is ready to use

You may create a new workspace and start.

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